Seven essential tips to writing a great blog post
In this article we discuss seven recommended tips for writing a superb blog post
In this blog post, you will:
- Get tips on blog posts and how to write them
- Be given some pointers on preparing your approach
- Get directions on some fantastic resources
- See how you can benefit your audience and website.
Read time is 3mins.

One, do your research & know your audience
If you are reading this blog post then we have successfully enticed you to learn more about blog posts, and what to consider when writing them! In this case, we are supposing that those people searching are website owners who understand the need for content and content marketing but perhaps need some tips on approaching a great blog post, incidentally, this will be different for different businesses but there are commonalities which we are covering here.
Two, write a compelling headline!
Your headline informs the reader and the Google bots what the blog post is about and how it is relevant to the other articles on your site. Your headline should b compelling to grab attention, for example, we could have said;
"Seven secrets that you wished that you knew when writing a blog post!"
This makes the content more compelling as it alludes to the unknown and an interested reader will also automatically wish to challenge the content, interested to see if they actually did know any of these seven tips.
Three, remember the purpose of the post
It seems simple but the purpose should be clear to the reader and to the search engines, ensure that you introduce the topic at the top of your article and if it needs it, the expected outcomes and perhaps the read time. This is quite a helpful tip when remembering the audience.
Four, use bullets and summaries
Presently bullets serve two clear benefits, one is that they are helpful in summarising the content takeaways for the reader, and important elements for the reader and two, they are being given more Google featured snippet rewards from Google are the moment.
Five, Optimise the content for the reader and for SEO
So best practice is to optimise for the user but we must remember Google is our traffic source, so what can we do to optimise for Google? Well avoid spelling mistakes, ensure that there are not too many punctuation errors and write in a natural style. Answer the content need, is this a question, a guide or something else? Be clear about this and ensure that you use image SEO to increase traffic potential.
Six, don't forget the call to action
It is very common to read a great piece of content and it does not use enough calls to action (CTAs) or even have one! The reader can get carried away reading and forget the purpose of the article - In this case, is Blog writing tips for businesses.
Seven, reference other resources
It can be a missed opportunity not to reference an external site or even internal pages. You can see in this article we have referenced an article on featured snippets and also image SEO. This is because these articles are both genuinely useful and support the topic, the articles are internal resources, they will help the reader should they choose to take a look.
In this Marketing Norwich article, "Why marketing automation is important?" we see that the article references Hootsuite and both use an image and a hyperlink to the Hootsuite home page.
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